Creative things to do outdoors
Penned on the 15th June 2023

In a world filled with endless responsibilities and digital distractions, spending time in nature is a precious way to connect with our authentic selves. Stepping outside, away from screens and artificial environments, allows us to be at one with our inner thoughts and feelings and to unlock the creativity within us. The patterns, colours and sounds of nature provide endless inspiration for creative endeavours once we begin to let them in. Doing so can provide us with a sense of relaxation, fulfilment and mindfulness, with long-lasting effects on our mood and wellbeing.
So whether you’re a flourishing creative, an artistic newbie or someone simply looking for new activities to enjoy, join us as we explore the best creative things to do outdoors on your next glamping trip.
The best creative things to do on the coast
Coastal areas have forever been a source of inspiration for creatives. The calming effects of spending time by the water, plus the ever-changing landscapes and sea states make it the perfect place to slow down and observe our surroundings. Each visit brings with it something new to capture the imagination and to spark intrigue within the viewer. It’s part of the reason coastal retreats feel so nourishing and rewarding. Whether you’re on a solo glamping trip to the coast, or spending time with loved ones near the ocean, there are plenty of creative pursuits to enjoy whilst making the most of the scenery and landscape.
Use natural materials to craft beach murals and sand art
Using the beach as your canvas, sand art and beach murals merge creativity with the environment, using natural materials as your creative medium. Spending time to collect items such as shells, driftwood, pebbles and seaweed can help you to connect more with the coastal landscape whilst you look closely to see what you can find there. The beauty of creating art in the sand not only lies in your creation, but also the understanding that it is impermanent. Instead of taking from the environment, everything used will return to the earth and remain part of the ecosystem it belongs to.
Collect man-made items from the beach and repurpose them into something beautiful
Whilst beachcombing, it is likely that you will discover plenty of manmade materials including glass and plastic near the shoreline. Developing creative ideas is always part of the solution in overcoming challenges, including that of environmental pollution. Whether it’s collecting sea glass to turn into wall art, gathering microplastics to melt down into jewellery, or collecting other debris to create collages, why not channel your inner ocean activist and artist at the same time. Even better, pair it up with a stay in an eco-friendly hideaway for the ultimate eco-conscious glamping experience.
Create unique patterns with nature-inspired rubbing art
In unique coastal landscapes such as the Jurassic coast, there may be intriguing rock formations or fossils to discover. Rather than taking these precious items with you, instead turn it into an opportunity to create a special piece of artwork. Using a crayon, charcoal or graphite and a piece of paper will allow you to rub over the fossil, capturing its pattern without taking it from the beach. Rubbing art is one of the most universal and ancient forms of printmaking and is a perfect way to get creative for adults and children alike.
The best creative things to do in the forest
If you’d rather spend your time in a cosy forest cabin, there are plenty of other creative pursuits to enjoy. If you look closely enough, you’ll see that forest floors offer a treasure trove of materials for crafting and creating. From leaves and flowers to twigs and stones, there are countless possibilities to infuse the natural world into your artistic exploration. Tie it in with forest bathing for ultimate relaxation, as you slow down and soak up the goodness of nature.
Collect fallen flora and press it into new creations
Best practiced in the autumn, when plants are shedding their flowers and leaves, forests are the perfect place to collect and press flora. Connect with your inner artisan, letting the textures, colours, and shapes of the materials guide your creative process. Create pressed flower bookmarks, leaf-printed greeting cards, or simply add them to your botanical journal. Offering them to loved ones as gifts afterwards can add an extra element of reward. Or, keep them as a memory, to take you back to the forest when you need it most.
Try your hand at the ancient tradition of nature weaving
Engage in the ancient art of weaving using materials gathered from the woodland. Collect long, flexible branches, vines, or grasses to form a makeshift loom. Weave colourful yarns, feathers, leaves, or even strips of bark into intricate patterns. Let your imagination and your findings guide your design. Nature weaving not only produces stunning tapestries but also connects us with ancestral crafting techniques, honouring ancient traditions of working with natural materials.
Bring an instrument to create nature-inspired music
Immerse yourself in the symphony of nature and let it inspire your musical talents. Find a secluded spot and bring your musical instrument of choice, whether it be a guitar, flute, or even your own voice. Tune in to the melodies of birdsong, rustling leaves, or babbling streams, and allow them to guide your improvisation. Blend your own compositions with the natural soundscape, creating harmonious arrangements with the voice of nature.
More creative things to do outdoors
Whilst we love the coast and the forest, the UK has plenty of other amazing landscapes to explore too. From vast, rolling countryside to wild national parks, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to planning our next adventure hidden away in nature. No matter where you are or who you’re with, there are plenty more creative things to do outdoors. Here are some ideas for things you can do, wherever you find yourself exploring!
Capture nature’s magnificence through photography
Equip yourself with a camera, be it a professional DSLR, polaroid, or smartphone, and embark on a photographic adventure. Seek out breath-taking vistas, hidden nooks, and intriguing details. Experiment with composition, lighting, and angles to create visually striking images. Photography enables us to capture fleeting moments, from the majestic flight of a bird to the delicate movement of a flower. It is also an excellent way to capture the night sky in all its glory, much more than is possible with the naked eye. Learn the basics of stargazing and experiment with slower shutter speeds and you will be amazed by what you can capture.
Paint or sketch the landscape to have as a keepsake
A fun activity for adults and children, sketching and painting allow you to capture a moment in time you can cherish forever. Pause and reflect on the subtle interplay of light and shadow, the delicate hues of the foliage, or the intricate patterns of the clouds. Sketch, paint, or draw your observations allowing what you see around you to flow through your hand and onto the page. You can even use crushed berries, plants and earth as pigment for a truly nature-inspired picture. This also reduces the need to bring paint with you when packing for your glamping trip.
Channel your inner botanical artist through nature journaling
Nature journaling is an immersive creative activity that allows you to observe and record the wonders of nature. Take a blank notebook and a set of pencils, and venture into the wilderness. Document what you find through sketches and annotations, much like the original botanical scientists. Even better, return to the same spot at different times to see and record how different plants appear throughout the seasons. Nature journaling will give you a newfound fascination with your surroundings alongside a purpose for your creative energy. Come equipped with a pocket guide or wildflower key and you will be amazed by what you can learn.
Try your hand at creative writing
Find a peaceful spot under a sprawling tree, by a gurgling stream, or atop a hill with panoramic views, and let your words flow. Engage your senses and draw inspiration from the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Write poetry, short stories, or personal reflections inspired by the beauty of your surroundings. The act of writing outdoors creates plenty of space for nature-inspired descriptions, amounting to literary creations brimming with life.
Forage food and cook it for dinner
There’s no meal more rewarding than that which you have foraged for yourself. Do your research and you will be amazed by how many edibles there are in the UK wilderness and how delicious they can be. Whether it’s boiling up a nettle and garlic soup on the campfire, brewing a calming cup of camomile tea or baking a delicious cake adorned with edible wildflowers, there are plenty of creative meals to enjoy from foraged finds year-round. *
As we conclude our journey through these creative outdoor activities, we hope you feel inspired to venture outside and embrace the wonders of nature on your next glamping trip. By consciously spending time in the natural world, we awaken our senses, spark our imagination, and foster a deeper connection with both ourselves and our environment.
*Disclaimer: Remember, when foraging wild food you must be able to 100% positively identify what you are harvesting. Do not eat any plants, berries, mushrooms, or herbs you are uncertain of, as some may be poisonous. Use multiple methods of identification - such as Google, plant identification apps, or books. Wash produce thoroughly before consumption. Consult your doctor if you are taking medication before consuming certain herbs as interaction may occur. Always be respectful to nature, and try not to disturb surrounding wildlife. Do not take more than you need, leaving enough of the plant in place to regrow, and ensure you have permission to harvest from the area. Happy foraging!