Top ten wild living books for creature comfort campers
Penned on the 12th June 2013

You may be too engrossed in everything to want to read, but if you feel the urge, here are our most recent picks.
- Treasure Island
We know it’s obvious and you may well have read it umpteen times, but where you read it is what counts. Stevenson’s classic is still the ultimate in escapism. - Caught By The River
A collection of words on water by a motley crew of musicians, writers and artists, from Irvine Welsh to Jarvis Cocker. It shows how rivers map our modern lives and journeys. - Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe
This day-glo diary of the Merry Pranksters recalls the counter-cultural beat movement of California and helps you tell a magic mushroom from a deadly toadstool. - The Lorax by Dr Seuss
Old or young, pessimist or optimist, this tale of man and nature beats any green manifesto. - Wildwood by Roger Deakin
A brilliant celebration of trees, from hobo gurus in log cabins to plum-bush hunting with Aboriginal women, all by the man who founded Friends of the Earth. - Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins
Any novel that starts with a eulogy to beetroots wins our hearts. - Double Daring Book for Girls
Become a cowgirl, make a labyrinth, learn to surf and how to hang a spoon from your nose, all before the day is out. - The Hiawatha Primer by Florence Holbrook
Tune into nature's orchestra with this lifelong lesson in simplicity, courage and zen wisdom. Oh, and the illustrations are a tattooist's dream. - Bumper Book of Nature by Stephen Moss
They don’t publish books like this any more (although this one came out in 2009) it’s the perfect antidote to technology. - Shelter by Lloyd Kahn
This is the dirty bible read by architects when no-one is looking. It makes you want to up sticks and build your own home, off-grid, miles from the masses.